Ag Roundup 2011:
The Agricultural Information Center showcased their new AIC website and Research Guides at Ag Roundup during September 7-10. This is the major College of Agriculture outreach event held each year and is an excellent opportunity for the AIC to reach nearly 3000 persons. Attendees during the 4 day event included:
• 800 staff from throughout the state for Staff Appreciation Day
• 500 Rotarians & LFUCG Officials and 200 high school student recruits for Rotary Day
• 600 attendees for the campus Student/Faculty/Staff Picnic
• 175 State Legislators, Farm Bureau Officials, Ag Development Board members, and Tobacco Task Force members for Ag Leadership Day
• 700 alumni for department reunions and the closing Roundup festivities before kickoff on Saturday
The AIC exhibit was created by Stephanie Warden (AIC Graduate Intern), Brandon Daniels (Engineering Library STEPS employee), and Simone Heath (AIC Student Worker). Exhibit staffing included Amelie Charron, Stephanie Warden and Valerie Perry.
Flags in William T. Young Library Atrium:
The international flags in the William T. Young Library atrium not only add color to the area but they also support the Nation of Nations exhibit. The flags on display are from countries that have one of the languages represented in Nation of Nations as their national language. If you want to test your knowledge, you can pick up a quiz at the security desk to see if you can match the language and the country.
This display was weeks in the making and a team effort. Rick Garrett designed the flag holders and Scott Swift, Curt Miller and Mike Howard put up the flags. Palmer Grigsby, a student from Circulation, spent an afternoon steaming the flags with a steamer provided by Sherree Osborne. Gail Kennedy assisted in choosing the flags.
Stephanie Aken Honored by Academy of Health Information Professionals:
Stephanie Aken, Electronic Resources Coordinator in Collections and Technical Services, has been approved for membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) at the Distinguished Level. The Academy of Health Information Professionals is MLA's peer-reviewed professional development and career recognition credentialing program.
AHIP promotes lifelong learning and exemplary professional performance by recognizing achievements in continuing education, teaching, publishing, research, and other contributions to the profession. The AHIP credential denotes the highest standards of professional competency and achievement in tht field of health care information and must be renewed every five years.
Kopana Terry Presented at 6th National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) Annual Meeting:
In late August Mary Molinaro and Kopana Terry attended the 6th National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) annual partners meeting held at the National Endowment for the Humanities and at the Library of Congress. University of Kentucky Libraries was one of the first six participating institutions with NDNP and is the only one of those six institutions that received continuing funding. During this last phase of UK’s NDNP participation, UK Libraries will be turning the successful Meta Morphosis Institute into an online learning environment for anyone to use.

At the partners meeting Kopana Terry, Program Manager for UK Libraries National Digital Newspaper Program (KY-NDNP) in Digital Library Services, gave two presentations – one on the workflow that we have used and how that has changed over time and the other on the new learning environment. There was also an iArchives User group meeting held in conjunction with the NDNP meeting and Kopana did a presentation to that group about the Newspaper Evaluation Database (NED) that we developed.
UK Libraries Benefits from Highly Qualified, Hard Working Staff:
UK Libraries’ success is made possible in large part by the skill and creativity of 56 Library Technicians and Library Senior Technicians.
Among the 25 Library Technicians, all exceed minimum requirements of an AA degree plus 1 year of related experience. Fourteen of the 25 hold Bachelor’s degrees and an additional 7 have Master’s degrees in various fields. They have a combined 423 years of experience with an average of almost 17 years each.
All Senior Library Technicians also exceed the minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree plus two years related experience. Thirteen senior technicians hold Master’s degrees and the group has an average 20 years experience working in libraries.
Thank you!
Mary Molinaro Selected by Library of Congress to Provide Digital Preservation Instruction:
The Digital Preservation Outreach and Education program at the Library of Congress will hold its first invitation only national train-the-trainer workshop on September 20-23, 2011, in Washington, DC. The DPOE Baseline Workshop will produce a corps of trainers who are equipped to teach others, in their home regions across the U.S., the basic principles and practices of preserving digital materials. Examples of such materials include websites; emails; digital photos, music, and videos; and official records.
The 24 students in the workshop (first in a projected series) are professionals from a variety of backgrounds who were selected from a nationwide applicant pool to represent their home regions, and who have at least some familiarity with community-based training and with digital preservation. Molinaro, Associate Dean of Library Technologies, will serve as one of six instructors.
The intent of the workshop is to share high-quality training in digital preservation, based upon a standardized set of core principles, across the nation. In time, the goal is to make the training available and affordable to virtually any interested organization or individual.
State of the University Address September 26:
Please join University of Kentucky
President Eli I. Capilouto
Student Government President
Micah Fielden
for the
State of the University Address
Monday, September 26, 2011
12:30 p.m.
Patterson Office Tower Plaza
Rain Location – Main Building Lexmark Room
**A free lunch will be served in the Patterson Office Tower Plaza beginning at Noon
Thanks to Stacey Greenwell, Toni Greider, Mary Molinaro, and Judy Sackett for their contributions to the Weekly Review.
Terry Birdwhistell
Dean of Libraries