Last Monday our UK Libraries community
came together to honor the student assistants and staff graduating from UK in
the Class of 2014. Including undergraduates and graduate students, the event
was an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the importance of student
involvement in UK Libraries.
This is always a special event for me
because I began my own library career as a graduate assistant in UK
Libraries. Students make the libraries
run by contributing to all aspects of the operation across the various
locations. Student employees are often the first people visitors to our libraries
meet and provide a valuable link between
the student body and the faculty and staff of UK Libraries.
At the celebratory event for the Class
of 2014 each graduate selected a book in the UK Libraries collection that held
special meaning to them. The book might be a personal favorite or a resource
that proved valuable in their studies. For each student, a bookplate was placed
in the volume to honor the student and mark their graduation. In this way,
their memory will live on as part of the UK Libraries collection.
Whether you happen across a bookplate
honoring a former student worker while browsing the stacks, or work with
student employees on a daily basis, be sure to express appreciation for all
they do. A university exists for the students and our student assistants and
staff who work at UK Libraries while completing their studies at UK are a
valuable part of our community.