Kate Black, Jeff Suchanek, and Katie Henningsen, archivists in Special Collections led an information session for graduate teaching assistants in the History Department. During the session the TA’s were introduced to primary sources in Special Collections which would be beneficial to their teaching and research.
Mary Beth Thomson, Associate Dean for Collections and Technical Services, Kathleen Grzech, Associate Director, Proposal Development Office and Sue Smith, Head of the Science and Engineering Libraries attended the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)/Digital Library Foundation (DLF) E-Science Institute Capstone in Atlanta, Georgia November 30 through December 2, 2011.
“At The High Court, A Tribute to a 'Chef Supreme,'” an NPR report by Nina Totenberg featured a cookbook assembled by the spouses of the Supreme Court justices. The book, Chef Supreme: Martin Ginsburg, was Martha-Ann’s idea and is a tribute to a master chef, the late Martin Ginsburg, husband of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Valerie Perry Appointed to College Program Review Committee:
Valerie Perry has been asked to serve as a member of the External Review Committee of the College of Communications and Information Studies. The purpose of the committee is to provide the college with an external perspective regarding the quality and effectiveness of its programs, services, resources, processes, and operations, using the college’s self-study as a starting point. The periodic review of a college provides an opportunity for a group of colleagues and the Provost to evaluate the college’s current condition, progress toward college and university goals, and future direction.
Highlights from the Collection:
Recent Acquisitions:
University Archives recently acquired the William Chambliss papers (5 cubic feet, 1944-1988). Dr. Chambliss, a specialist in East Asian history and Japanese, was a faculty member at the University of Kentucky from 1959-1988, first in the School of Diplomacy and International Commerce and then in the History Department. Prior to his appointment at UK, he was a Fulbright fellow in Japan (1956-1958) and during World War II, served in the Military Intelligence Service Language School at the University of Michigan, teaching Japanese (1944-1945). From 1966-1967, he spent another year in Japan on another Fulbright scholarship. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1959. He was a graduate of Male High School in Louisville, KY (1941).
The papers document his role in the UK History Department and development of Asian studies, particularly in Japan and China. It also includes original research for his dissertation on the history of the silk trade; for an English translation of a Japanese history of the Meiji Era; and a handbook on translating Japanese into English. It also includes textbooks and other course information documenting the Japanese courses he taught in the Military Intelligence Service Language School.
Five Libraries worth a Visit:
Terry Birdwhistell
Dean of Libraries