Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Esta Day Leaving UK Libraries

Esta Day, Library Technician Senior in the Electronic Resources (EC) Unit within CTS, graduated from the UK School of Library & Information Science in May and is moving on to pursue a professional library position.  Her last day with the Libraries will be August 24.

Esta, a flute major at UK, came to UK Libraries in 2007 as a student assistant working for both the National Digital Newspaper Program in Special Collections and, for a time, as a student assistant in the Lucille C. Little Fine Arts Library. After graduating with her B.A. in History (Minor in Music Performance, Theory, and History), she traveled to Japan and taught English to students through grade 9.  She returned to the newspaper position when she was admitted to graduate school and remained in that position until August 2010, when she was initially hired by the ER Unit as a graduate assistant.

While in the SLIS program, she accepted an ER technician position and subsequently became an ER Library Technician Senior where she has made numerous outstanding contributions.  During her library career, Esta received a UK Library Student Worker of the Year award (2008), received a SLIS Scholarship (fall, 2010), and won a NASIG student grant to attend the annual conference (2011).  She served on the UK Institutional Repository Day Planning Committee (2011), trained the Reference graduate assistants on how to handle some of the typical problems dealing with electronic resources, and took advantage of several opportunities for continuing education in the area of the acquisitions and management of electronic resources, most notably, the two-day Great Lakes e-Summit in Dayton. 

Esta recently participated in a panel discussion at the Electronic Resources & Libraries Annual Conference and gave a poster presentation on the ER Unit’s blog and list-serv at this year’s NASIG conference.  She also authored two conference paper reports in the NASIG Newsletter (2011).  She is a member of the American Library Association as well as NASIG, and she has been doing volunteer GIS work for the Nature Conservancy of Kentucky.  Clearly, Esta’s career is off to a great start and we wish her success in her new endeavor.

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