Friday, March 14, 2014

Gordon Hogg announces intention to retire in 2015

Gordon Hogg is the Director of the Special Collections Library and Academic Liaison for Russian and Eastern studies.  He has most recently been with Special Collections for the past 8 years but has been part of UK Libraries since 1991 when he was the Foreign Language Cataloger and Russian and Eastern Bibliographer.  He has had a Renaissance career.

His first role in the then called Special Collections and Archives was as a cataloger in 1995, where he cataloged published material including rare books and the Appalachian collection.  He also led the International Documents and Research Collection as Director from 2002-2004 and served as the curator for the William F. and Harriet Fast Scott Soviet and Cold War Library. He has willingly provided his service and expertise where it has been needed for UK Libraries.

Before coming to the University of Kentucky, Gordon had an impressive resume.  He was a bibliographer and reference librarian at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University at the Newman Library in Blacksburg Virginia.  He was a reference librarian at the University of Virginia as well – just to mention a couple.  He has too many publications and professional activities to list.

Gordon will retire in March 2015 and his expertise will be greatly missed.  He plans to travel domestically and internationally, continue playing snare drum with his Scottish band, catch up on films, and work on editing and writing projects. In particular, he has underway a NATO historical book project, and work on the little-known industrial and political connections between Italian and Russian naval design and developments of the last century.

Says Gordon: “I will certainly continue to consult at various levels with the Russian Studies cohort at UK: after 23 years, we are like family, as so many of you here in UK Libraries have become for me, too.  Over the coming year, up to the point that I leave—and after—I will endeavor be a useful and available colleague, trying my best to continue following both the advice of Hippocrates (“First, do no harm…”) and sage old Jonathan to his son Clark Kent, reminding him to use his (super) powers only for Good.  One could do worse, I suppose.”

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